
God is fabric. Life fabric. Connective fabric. It is weavable. Since we are fabric, we are God, and therefore, we can weave the patterns of happenings throughout the universe. Other beings, both inanimate and animate, also weave throughout our universal fabrics. There is a push and pull of physical matter. This is physics; God is physics.


There is also the weaving of the powers of matter, the politics, the positioning, the social structures. These are societal weaving. This is a matter that is maybe not measurable as matter, though we may very well discover that ideas are matter. They must be something right? So what, if not matter? There is a push and pull of ideas and of society. This is God also.


There is also the weaving of emotion of individual and interdependent interactions. We interact with ourselves and with others. We experience the push and pull of emotions and the godlike weaving through everything. Emotions are God. As I interact with myself or with you, I am interacting with God. This tells me the story. You and your god quality. Me and my recognition of my own god quality and acceptance of yours to teach me.


Is all this what makes God a spiritual matter, the fact that it holds all the weavings of the fabric of existence? All potentially able to be proven by science to exist... and then, why are we parsing out the spiritual existence to a ritualistic level? The level that separates and causes us shame and harm to each other. This must be because we never actually believed that God was all that other stuff to begin with.


The Tao presents this idea throughout its pages. Ritual as an indicator of poor faith. And this is where our idealism is born from, where we latch, attach to religious, political, social, etc. virtues and morals and determine a way to live. We do all of this because we cannot accept that we and those all around, even the ones we don’t like (which could well be ourselves also), are God.


God is Love. Love is expressed through deep lovingkindness – the truest definition of kindness. “Kindness” is not being “nice”. Niceness is merely a way to maintain social order and not have a bunch of fights all at once in street. Kindness is a means to revolutionize social order through giving of oneself to another. This giving is not a thing that inherently receives payment, or it wouldn’t be a gift to begin with. This type of giving of love is aware that a “love gift” is renewing any deficit from the giving of the love immediately. This is the essence of God.


In many religious and spiritual practices (most actually), the idea of the love of God is labelled as unconditional. I would say this is true. The issue lies in how we are taught through all these socio-political religions to view God. Not as a fabric, but as a being to be worshipped. There is not a sense of a whole thing that we are all part of. It parses God out to be a separate entity to be worshipped and prayed to and served and flogged for and used as a template for slave ownership and oppression and virtue signaling on either side of any given coin that has a quote about a made-up God on it. It says that this God is also loving and cares for you and wants you in his kingdom and killed his son for you and set up a house and a nation for you.


This could be called a paradox, though some might call it “gaslighting”. Beings that exist with such behaviors typically get called out and shut down after a while, but God of course is all powerful – good luck. And the all-powerfulness story that I am sold of God throughout all of human existence is told by the rites leaders, the politicians, the elders, the rulers, lords, presidents, shahs, shoguns, etc. They wrote the text. They saw how it could build their society, create order, enslave the mind to a concept of virtue and rigidity, instead of wonder and mystery. Jesus said that he trusted no man, only God, and yet, the very religion upon which a bunch of dudes used Jesus as a basis simply says, “trust that we know God, we know what we are talking about”. This has happened with all religions. Lao Tzu calls rites and rituals the beginning of folly and says that those who create them will use force when they are not followed.


And what if God fabric and is lovingkindness? That means that I quit looking to a being and realize that everything is one being, and that God is what holds it all together. God is everything running through everything, and therefore, we are god, god is us and we are , collectively, everything. And when I give love and kindness to others, since we are the same God organism, of course I get it back immediately. I am merely feeding a part separate of my awareness. I am making other parts aware that “here we are! All together, one god organism doing the damn thing! The experiment is ours to create because we are all actually the creators!”


And realize of course that this is really very big, this idea. This idea is asking us to not approach it with hubris of humanity. For this concept of God to be fleshed out in full and run according to its logic it must include everything. That is animals, bacteria, plants, fungi, archaea all being god – all living things. All of nature, even the inanimate nature – rocks, minerals, dirt, water, air. It would also include the inanimate created - That is the table being god, The carpet being god, steel, plastics. And this is everything touching and being a singular thing without our need to separate our being from another or anything else. The entirety of existence whether conscious or not is God. That is the fabric of connection. The God fabric that makes our kindness is a reciprocating loop for any individual consciousness to experience.


Hubris and advancing a field


Capturing meditations