Out Squatchin’

As Autumn arrives, and death reminds me of its imminence through the fall of flora and hibernation of fauna, I often find myself reflecting on my internal actions and what, if anything, has meaning. I find myself reflecting on the beauty that the seasonal death provides and also on the inevitable lonliness that can creep in. This is why we have all these cozy holidays after all.

I have the tendency to swing rigidly between versions of what I would call introspective fundamentalism. It's either the highest most ecstatic feeling of growth, agency, freedom, or I feel stuck in a downward spiral of anxious self-sabotage. I think Fall time brings this out in many of us. 

Dialectical Behavior Theory presents the concept of intellectual, emotional, mental, spiritual, etc. balance. Imagine something as simple as going to see your favorite musician. Your "emotional mind" says, "YES! I'm a lifelong 'Swiftie'; I have to go!" Your "logical mind" says, "Hold up. Tickets are $5,000, and you might need to pay your rent." You have a thesis and an antithesis, and in the middle of these two thoughts is a synthesis. 

This model led to the creation of one of the most popular and effective forms of therapy, DBT (just replace the "theory" with "therapy"). It helps us realize that both thoughts can co-exist, and this is where the "wise mind" lives. This is called the Middle Way. 

Wisdom comes with allowing all things to exist together, and that is where we find the Middle Way. My anxiety and my confidence living together are the reason that I started this company. It is the reason that I practice mycology and constantly explore its place in a permaculture. All these things work best together. As far as the Swiftie example, I'm not one and cannot advise.

As we watch the colors change and contemplate the passing of life, I hope we can all consider how it works together and not judge its right or wrongness. If we are to "close the loop" in our judgements, we must be able to find that Middle Way.


Capturing meditations

